It will come as no surprise to those that know us well, but we hate winter. Perhaps if we enjoyed winter sports than maybe we wouldn't be such grumps about the cold and snow, and if you think I am bad you should hear my husband. I never remember hating winter this much when I lived in Logan. Sure, walking to class and having any snot in your nose freeze only to defrost when you entered a building was no fun, but I wouldn't gladly take frozen boogers over 2 cooped up kids who desperately need the great outdoors to run around (they hate the snow too)!
Freezing cold temps!
Indoor activities such as painting the bathtub, although fun, last 30 minutes max.
Flu season...
our family caught it 3 times!
After only a few minutes outside. If the snow touched his face he was done.
We even experienced some freezing rain this year. People around here haven't seen that since the 80's.
It was pretty crazy. I literally dragged Kent across our sidewalk to get him to the car.
Proof that I do try to get my kids to play in the snow.
Our little marshmallow.
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