Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Math Equation

The cost of feeding my family Top Ramen ≤ The cost of changing one of Kent's diapers

Don't worry we are working on potty training and this is what Kent has had to say about it so far...
  • After passing a little gas while trying to go poop he said, "It's a bubble."
  • When I told him to poop he said, "Wee wee doesn't poop."
  • He also called his "wee wee" a rocket
  • When he looked down and saw his poop for the first time he said, "chocolate," when we told him it was poop he said, "chocolate poop."


Brett and Rachel said...

One word - hilarious! I'm so glad you documented those. Your dad is still trying to convince me that I need to teach Cade that there's no such thing as a burp of the bum. I prefer Cade's terminology!

Claudia T said...

hahahaha that was funny! Thanks for sharing!