Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dear Dad, (#2)

Yesterday Mom's friend Jessica came to visit. Last night they dragged me from store to store while they shopped for girl stuff. I wished you were there because it was miserable. I did get to stay up later than normal because I was going to sleep in your bed so Jessica could sleep in mine. Today we got to go to the beach. Mom even let me bring my shovel and buckets. Jessica and Mom tried building a sandcastle, but I would stomp of it every time. I loved the sand and I loved the water.

At the very end of our stay there the seagulls came back around. I chased them and chased them, but I never could catch them. I finally got tired and sat down. Mom thought this picture was cute.

Tonight Mom and Jessica decided they would put together baby sister's new swing. They wanted to prove they could do it without any men. Just between you and me, they struggled a little bit at the start, but alas baby sister has a swing, except I think it is better suited for my puppies and blankets, what do you think?

Come home soon,
Love Kent

1 comment:

Kasey said...

Cute! Where the heck is that beach at????